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What’s new in Spring?

When 2014-03-11 | 18:30:00  
Event Title What’s new in Spring?
Presenter Craig Walls
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


It was over 10 years ago that Spring hit the scene and made a big impact in the enterprise Java development ecosystem. Now that Spring 4 is available, there’s a lot of new features and a lot that you may not know about yet.

Whether you’re already working with Spring 4 or are anxious to make a move up, there’s plenty of new tricks Spring has in store for you. We’ll explore them all in this overview of everything that’s new in Spring.


Craig Walls is a senior engineer with Pivotal as the Spring Social project lead and is the author of Spring in Action. He’s a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring. When he’s not slinging code, Craig spends as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 2 birds and 3 dogs.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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